[MANGA][CBZ] Kingdom

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During the Warring States period in China, Xin and Piao are two brother-like youngsters who dream of becoming Great Generals, despite their low status as orphaned slaves. One day, they encounter a man of nobility, who gives Piao an opportunity to undertake an important duty within the state of Qin’s royal palace. Parting ways, Xin and Piao promise each other to one day become the greatest generals in the world. However, after a fierce coup d’état occurs in the palace, Xin meets with a dying Piao, whose last words spur him into action and lead him to encounter the young and soon-to-be king of Qin, Zheng Ying.

Although initially on bad terms, Xin and Zheng become comrades and start on a path filled with trials and bloodshed. Zheng’s objective is to bring all the warring states under Qin, and Xin seeks to climb to the very top of the army ranks. Against a backdrop of constant tactical battle between states and great political unrest, both outside and within the palace, the two endeavor towards their monumental ambitions that will change history forever.

  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02
  3. VOLUME 03
  4. VOLUME 04
  5. VOLUME 05
  6. VOLUME 06
  7. VOLUME 07
  8. VOLUME 08
  9. VOLUME 09
  10. VOLUME 10
  11. VOLUME 11
  12. VOLUME 12
  13. VOLUME 13
  14. VOLUME 14
  15. VOLUME 15
  16. VOLUME 16
  17. VOLUME 17
  18. VOLUME 18
  19. VOLUME 19
  20. VOLUME 20
  21. VOLUME 21
  22. VOLUME 22
  23. VOLUME 23
  24. VOLUME 24
  25. VOLUME 25
  26. VOLUME 26
  27. VOLUME 27
  28. VOLUME 28
  29. VOLUME 29
  30. VOLUME 30
  31. VOLUME 31
  32. VOLUME 32
  33. VOLUME 33
  34. VOLUME 34
  35. VOLUME 35
  36. VOLUME 36
  37. VOLUME 37
  38. VOLUME 38
  39. VOLUME 39
  40. VOLUME 40
  41. VOLUME 41
  42. VOLUME 42
  43. VOLUME 43
  44. VOLUME 44
  45. VOLUME 45
  46. VOLUME 46
  47. VOLUME 47
  48. VOLUME 48
  49. VOLUME 49
  50. VOLUME 50
  51. VOLUME 51
  52. VOLUME 52
  53. VOLUME 53
  54. VOLUME 54
  55. VOLUME 55
  56. VOLUME 56
  57. VOLUME 57
  58. VOLUME 58
  59. VOLUME 59
  60. VOLUME 60
  61. VOLUME 61
  62. VOLUME 62
  63. VOLUME 63
  64. VOLUME 64
  65. VOLUME 65
  66. VOLUME 66
  67. VOLUME 67
  68. VOLUME 68
  69. VOLUME 69
  70. VOLUME 70

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