[MANGA][CBZ] Minami Nanami Wants to Shine

You can now Download Minami Nanami Wants to Shine manga in .cbz format.


From the pages of the hit light novel series Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki comes a spin-off manga by the original author where beloved classmate Mimimi is the star!

Whether doing high jumps or blending with a crowd, Minami Nanami has always been flexible both physically and socially. But when her friend Aoi outshines her at her track-and-field specialty, Mimimi starts to wish for something more, a light to claim as her own. As she contemplates her talents, her mom asks if she’ll model in a local ad for her makeup company. Faced with an unfamiliar challenge, can Mimimi find herself in this dazzling new world?

  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02


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