[MANGA][CBZ] Shonen Note – Boy Soprano

You can now Download Shonen Note – Boy Soprano manga in .cbz format.

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Yutaka Aoi is sweet, sensitive, and loves singing…so much so that he can’t help but be brought to tears whenever he listens to beautiful music. He also has a talent few boys have: He can sing soprano. So when Yutaka overhears his middle school’s choir group perform, he can’t resist joining in. Inspired by the angelic sound of Yutaka’s voice, the choir eagerly accepts him into their ranks. But when Yutaka’s voice begins to change as he enters puberty, the journey ahead will be one of self-discovery and reflection for not only himself, but also for those around him.

  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02
  3. VOLUME 03
  4. VOLUME 04
  5. VOLUME 05
  6. VOLUME 06
  7. VOLUME 07
  8. VOLUME 08


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